Today’s recipe is typical from the south of Spain: salmorejo.
- 5-6 mature tomatoes.
- Stale bread.
- 6 tablespoons of Picual Valdezarza extra virgin olive oil.
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 boiled egg
- A few tacos of Serrano ham.
1. Peel the tomatoes and crush them well with the garlic. Then we add the bread little by little, as well as the Picual Valdezarza extra virgin olive oil and salt, until it is well bound.
2. Let it cool in the fridge.
3. Serve it in small cups or bowl and dress it with ham, egg slides and a touch of Picual Valdezarza extra virgin olive oil.
Our salmorejo is now ready to enjoy!
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