Today we are cooking spanish pestiños. This is a very popular recipe during the Semana Santa. Even if we can’t enjoy it as we always do, we can still cook its most typical desserts.
For the dough
- 250g of sieved flour.
- 125ml of wine. You may use rosé, red, white or the kind of wine that you like. It will affect the colour of the dough and flavour.
- 1/2 tsp of sugar.
- 1/4 tsp of salt.
- An egg.
- A tbsp of aniseed.
- 4 cloves.
- One lemon zest.
- One lemon or orange peeling.
- 125ml of EVOO.
For the honey cover
- 50ml of water.
- 100g of honey.
- Pour the EVOO in a saucepan with the cloves, aniseed and the peeling of a lemon or orange. Infuse at mid to low heat. Turn off the heat when it is about to boil.
- Whisk an egg in a bowl.
- Add the salt, sugar, wine and the zest of the lemon and mix.
- Add the sieved flour and mix slowly. The dough is going to get tight, given that it is still lacking the oil.
- Add the EVOO infusion while kneading the dough. If you do it with your hands you will be able to integrate it better while you knead the dough.
- Once kneaded, the dough will be smooth and should not stick to your fingers. If it is still sticky, you may add some more flour and keep kneading.
- Pour oil in a pan and heat it. Meanwhile, we are going to give shape to the pestiños. Take small dough balls and flatten with an oval shape. They must be thin, with the thickness of approximately half a centimeter. Join the ends and stretch them so they are lace shaped. Put them carefully in the pan and fry until they are golden. Pour oil over them with a spoon so they puff up fastly.
- Once fried let them rest on a plate or a tray with absorbent paper so they lose all the excess oil.
- Mientras reposan preparamos el baño de miel. En un cazo ponemos a hervir el agua y la miel durante unos minutos, hasta que se haya evaporado la mayor parte del agua. Lo retiramos del cazo para que enfríe más rápidamente y pintamos los pestiños con esta mezcla. También podéis pasar los pestiños por una mezcla de azucar y cánela, o incluso bañarlos con chocolate. On the mean time we will prepare the honey cover. Boil the water and the honey in a saucepan for some minutes, until most of the water has evaporated. Remove from the saucepan and pour in a bowl so it cools faster and paint the pestiños with this mix. You may also bathe them in chocolate or cover them with sugar and cinnamon.
¡Our spanish pestiños are ready!
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